National Programme on Case Management


As announced in Budget Speech 2021-2022, Government has set up a National Database for Vulnerable Groups to identify and support vulnerable and low income families with monthly income above Rs10,500 up to Rs14,000.

Registration of families by the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity is ongoing and some 800 families are currently registered on the database.

The National Social Inclusion Foundation (NSIF) proposes to implement a National Programme on Case Management through NGOs/NPOs to support families registered under the new National Database.

National Programme on Case Management

The National Programme aims at:

  •  Assessing and addressing the vulnerabilities, challenges and needs of beneficiaries
  • Connecting beneficiaries to Government and NGO support services

The National Programme on Case Management is based on the following key features.

  • Family-centred – the family is the main unit of intervention
  • Multidimensional – multiple dimensions of poverty and vulnerability are addressed
  •  Empowerment – develops capacity and strength of families to support themselves
  • Psychosocial support – emphasises psychosocial accompaniment for positive behaviour change
  •  Relationship building – maintains regular follow-up and relationships with beneficiaries
  •  Referrals – connects beneficiaries to essential support services
  •  Tracking progress – monitors the progress of beneficiaries
  • Partnership – involves multi-stakeholder participation

Participation in the National Programme

The NSIF invites Expressions of Interest from eligible NGOs/NPOs to be considered as service providers under the National Programme on Case Management. Selected organisations are expected to adopt a standard case management approach comprising:

  • Reaching out to vulnerable groups
  •  Assessing basic and developmental needs
  • Elaborating support and development plans
  •  Providing psychosocial accompaniment and supporting economic and social empowerment
  • Facilitating access to basic services through effective referrals
  • Follow up, monitoring & evaluation

Eligibility Criteria

This Call for Expression of Interest is addressed to NGOs/NPOs registered with the NSIF and willing to participate in the National Programme.

They should demonstrate the necessary experience and technical capabilities in social work practice and case management, as evidenced by at least 2 years successful track record contributing to the psychosocial support and accompaniment of vulnerable groups.

Assessment and Selection

Expressions of Interest shall be assessed according to the following process:

  • Pre-selection
    A pre-selection of applicants will be made on the basis of the relevance of their core activities/services and track records.
  • Due diligence
    Pre-selected applicants will be subject to a due diligence process to assess their technical and organisational capacities including in terms of governance, management, human resources, financial management and programme/project implementation. Information on past monitoring and reporting performances, where applicants have been previously funded by the NSIF, will be used for the purpose of due diligence. Additional information may be requested as required. The Foundation will conduct interviews and engage in thorough discussions with applicants. The due diligence process may also comprise on-site visits.
  • Selection
    Following due diligence, the Foundation shall select NGOs/NPOs to participate in the National Programme. The selected organisations will be required to submit a detailed proposal.


Allocated funding will cover expenditures directly associated with the implementation of interventions under the National Programme for a period of 12 months and may be renewed subject to satisfactory monitoring performance and availability of funds.

Funded NGOs/NPOs will be required to sign a Funding Contract Agreement (FCA). The FCA is a legally binding document setting out the general terms and conditions of funding.

Disbursement of funds will be made in instalments conditional upon meeting all monitoring and reporting requirements as set out in the FCA.

Submission of Expression of Interest

  • The Expression of Interest should be submitted on the prescribed Expression of Interest Form.
  • Expressions of Interest must be sent by email to [email protected] 
  • Late and/or incomplete submissions will not be considered
  • The outcome of the selection is expected to be communicated to applicants within one month of the closing date

The Deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interest is Monday 7 March 2022.

Note: Applicants having applied under the previous Call for Expression of Interest for the National Programme on Case Management issued in November 2020 need not reapply.


Information and Guidance

National Social Inclusion Foundation
6th Floor, Garden Tower
La Poudrière Street
Port Louis

For any further information and guidance, please contact the NSIF at [email protected] or call on 2602406.