CLOSING DATE: Thursday 19th September 2024 at 14.30 hours.
The National Social Inclusion Foundation (NSIF) is a central funding agency under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, set up to support programmes and projects towards poverty alleviation and social inclusion. The Foundation is the Central Body for receiving and allocating public funds to NGOs.
The Foundation invites applications for the following posts.
- Receptionist/ Telephone Operator
- General Executive
- Capacity Development Officer
Qualified candidates should submit their application on the prescribed Application Form accompanied by photocopies of certificates, testimonials and a copy of the National Identity Card by registered post to:
Secretary General
National Social Inclusion Foundation
6th Floor, Garden Tower
La Poudrière Street
Port Louis
The Application Form and Schemes of Service can be downloaded from the website of the Foundation
The post applied for should be clearly marked on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.
Closing Date: Thursday 19th September 2024 at 14.30 hours
The National Social Inclusion Foundation reserves the right to call only the best qualified candidates for interview as well as not to make any appointment as a result of this advertisement.