Call for Proposals

F4 Small Scale Initiatives 2022-2023

The National Social Inclusion Foundation (NSIF) invites applications for funding under its Funding Instrument F4: Supporting Small-Scale Initiatives, for micro and small-scale projects aimed at improving the wellbeing of poor and vulnerable groups/communities and promoting social inclusion.


  1. This Call for Proposals is open to NGOs/NPOs not recipient of any funding from the NSIF for the financial year 2022-2023
  2. All applications must be made on the prescribed Application Form available for download below and submitted by email at the following address [email protected]
  3. The closing date for submission of applications is 13:00 on Friday 30 December 2022

Information and Guidance

  1. Applicants should refer to the Guidelines for Application of Funds below for more details
  2. For any further information and guidance, please contact the NSIF Helpdesk at [email protected] or call on 2602406