Selection of Non-Government Service Providers under the Fortified Learning Environment National Programme


The National Social Inclusion Foundation (NSIF) is the central body to receive and allocate public funds to NGOs. The Foundation operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity. Its mission is “to empower and improve the wellbeing of people living in conditions of poverty and vulnerability through impactful and sustainable stakeholder partnerships”.

As announced in the Budget Speech 2019-2020, the Foundation has set up a Fortified Learning Environment Unit (FLEU) with the aim of better supporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds in their education and thereby, respond to the negative impact of poverty on educational outcomes.

Fortified Learning Environment National Programme

The FLEU is currently developing a Fortified Learning Environment (FLE) National Programme to address specific educational challenges faced by vulnerable children at the primary and secondary levels. In particular, the FLE National Programme plans to:

  1. Transform 50 low performing primary schools, mainly located in poverty stricken areas, into Fortified Leaning Environment Schools
  2. Provide specialised educational support to students experiencing learning difficulties in the Extended Programme across 150 secondary schools.

The lists of primary and secondary schools can be downloaded below.

Types of Interventions

The NSIF invites Expressions of Interest from eligible NGOs/NPOs to be considered as service providers under the FLE National Programme for the implementation of the following main types of interventions within targeted schools:

  • Educational support, basic literacy and life skills
  • Counselling
  • Parental support

General Conditions

Selected NGOs/NPOs shall be required to abide by the general conditions set forth below:

  • To implement multiple interventions as an all-inclusive package of services delivered within the school environment;
  • To undertake actions according to the FLE National Programme Action Plan and Operational Guidelines;
  • To intervene either at the primary or secondary level. NGOs/NPOs having the necessary capacity may opt for both levels;
  • If opting for primary level, to intervene in all targeted primary schools within a regional cluster. A regional cluster typically consists of 5-7 schools. NGOs/NPOs may opt for more than one cluster depending on their capacity;
  • If opting for the secondary level, to intervene in all targeted secondary schools within an educational zone. An educational zone comprises around 30 schools on average. NGOs/NPOs may opt for more than one zone depending on their capacity;
  • Recruit, manage and remunerate staff as per the HR requirements, profiles and rates determined by the FLE National Programme Action Plan and Operational Guidelines;
  • Adhere to the monitoring, evaluation and reporting frameworks to be set by the FLEU;
  • Work in close collaboration with all partners of the FLE National Programme namely, the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mauritius Institute of Education, school management, staff and PTA and other participating NGOs/NPOs.

Eligibility Criteria

This Call for Expression of Interest is addressed to NGOs/NPOs registered with the NSIF and willing to participate in the FLE National Programme.

They should demonstrate the necessary experience and technical capabilities in the field of education, as evidenced by at least 2 years successful track record contributing to the educational development of vulnerable children.

They should have good experience in human resource management especially with regards to the recruitment and management of staff and volunteers.

Past experience intervening in school environments would constitute an advantage.

Assessment and Selection

Expressions of Interest shall be assessed according to the following process:

  1. Pre-selection

A pre-selection of applicants will be made on the basis of the relevance of their core activities/services provided and their track records in terms of programme/project implementation in the field of education.

  1. Due diligence

Pre-selected Expressions of Interest will be followed up with a due diligence process to determine the capacities of applicants including their technical capabilities, governance structure, HR and financial management. Available information on past monitoring performances, where applicants have been previously funded by the NSIF, will be used for the purpose of due diligence. Additional information may be requested as required. The Foundation will conduct interviews and engage in thorough discussions with applicants. The due diligence process may also comprise on-site visits.

  1. Selection

Following due diligence, the Foundation shall select NGOs/NPOs to participate in the FLE National Programme.

Assessment and Selection

The amount of funding will be based on pre-determined budgets per regional cluster/educational zones. Allocated funding will cover HR and administrative expenditures for a period of 12 months and may be renewed subject to satisfactory monitoring performance and availability of funds.

Funded NGOs/NPOs will be required to sign a Funding Contract Agreement (FCA). The FCA is a legally binding document setting out the general terms and conditions of funding.

Disbursement of funds will be made in instalments conditional upon meeting all monitoring and reporting requirements as set out in the FCA.

Submission of Expression of Interest

  • The Expression of Interest should be submitted on the prescribed Expression of Interest Form. The Form can be downloaded below.
  • Expressions of Interest must be sent by email to [email protected]
  • Late and/or incomplete submissions will not be considered
  • The outcome of the selection is expected to be communicated to applicants within one month of the closing date

The Deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interest is Thursday 5 March 2020.

Information and Guidance

For any further information and guidance, please contact the NSIF at [email protected] or call on 2602406.